Friday, January 28, 2011

How to Challenge your Parking Ticket if it was in Error!

Just found this post on YELP

It shows a sample letter in which "Lisa "Mind-blasting!" T. " Contested her parking citation and actually won! If you plan to contest your citation, help out your fellow citizens and post your letter of contestation in a comment below so others can use it as a reference!


  1. Currently fighting a ticket for being parked for over two hours in a 2 hour zone. Luckily, I have Fastrak and bank statements I can prove I had only been parked for about 30 mins.

    Unfortunately, it looks like the email address for contesting parking tickets no longer working. I've done some online research and it looks like the email address is no longer working. Of course, they wont return phone calls either. Guess, I'll be showing up in person.

    Just thought your readers might like to know that they can no longer contest a ticket by email (even though it's listed on their website AND the ticket itself). Gotta love living in Oakland.

  2. After reading the "reviews" on Yelp ( I am much less inclined to try to fight my ticket, which was for a broken meter. It seems clear to me that the city of Oakland views these as a money-making scheme: $58. per ticket, which they can probably write an average of 10 times per day? That's gonna be a lot more than they make from a working meter...

    One suggestion/question: Does anyone have the wherewithal to create an online database of broken meters? Or does this already exist somewhere? If people submitted locations and dates, we'd be able to prove that these f-ing meters NEVER get fixed.

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  5. Hi there, I'm looking for people who need to pay a parking ticket. I have several rolls of coins with which I want to pay mine, and am wondering if others want to join me with having raided piggybacks in order to cough up Oakland's ridiculous fines. Comment back if you're interested!

  6. A protest is what I meant. I just re-read my comment above, and wanted to be clear that I'm not looking for money, I'm looking for others who want to protest the outrageous fines with me by paying with coins. Thanks

    1. i commend u Spabelo, the city of OAKLand makes it impossible to live here w. out goin broke for red light camera , parking AND street sweeping tix and fines this city is so oppressing, we must fight for change ! get rid of red light cameras is the first step!!

  7. I am with you, Spabelo.
    My protest against a "citation" i received despite displaying the ticket in the window was responded with as "reviewed and denied" - it consisted of a simple computer printout. No name, no signature, no reason, no return of my proof (the ticket).
    Clearly no one reviewed anything and the printout is automatic.
    Looks like zero accountability at the city and a ripoff scheme to create income.
    Legal? I doubt it.
    I am supposed to send the $$ and check if i want to be heard about this...

  8. I had parked in an area marked for once a week street sweeping...i move my vehicle often alameda county says 72 hrs must move 9/10 of a mile ...then they changed the singn to say over 8.5 tons not permited then gave me two tickets for three days in a row 6 tickets how do i contest this shady maneuver
